Thank you for supporting NECN. If you would like to help us achieve our vision and aims by contributing to our running costs there are a few ways you can donate. We are a small charity so even a few pounds will make a big difference to us.
If you are a UK taxpayer please help us to get the most out of your donation by completing and returning a Gift Aid declaration.

Ways to donate to NECN
Donations through ‘Wonderful’ using the are sent using your mobile banking app and we will receive 100% of your donation. If you haven’t used this system to donate before you can read more about how it works on the Wonderful website.

You can also donate by card or PayPal, but a small percentage of your donation will go to PayPal in processing fees if you use this method.

If you would like to donate directly to NECN you can either pay by:
Bank transfer (BACS) or standing order to:
Account name: National Estate Churches Network
Account number: 42496129
Sort code: 23-05-80
Or send a cheque made payable to National Estate Churches Network to:
National Estate Churches Network
c/o 5 Bluebell Wood
PR25 3ZF

Thank you for your support, it means a lot to us!