We’ve been finding out from Sarah Jane Godson about the Quiet Garden Movement and the benefits of using these outdoor spaces.
Started in the 1990s in the UK, Quiet Gardens provide low cost, outdoor space for prayer, contemplation, rest and inspiration. They have been established in a variety of settings, such as private homes, churches, schools, prisons and hospitals. Today there are over 300 in rural and urban contexts in 14 countries across the world. All are owned and run by a network of local hosts, and used by their local communities. The Movement resources and organises opportunities for people visiting these outdoor spaces to experience silence, restfulness and contemplative practices.
The original inspiration for Quiet Gardens came from their founder Rev Philip Roderick who was exploring the creative tension between action and contemplation. It flows from the example of Jesus’ withdrawal to natural places to pray and his invitation to, ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest’. Those involved in the Quiet Garden Movement come from a variety of traditions and cultures. The are inspired by our Christian tradition, and we work with people and communities of all faiths and none.
To find out more about us, support us as a Friend or join us as a host please go to our website: https://quietgarden.org/ or email info@quietgarden.org.