The Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) SERVES Programme offers free tennis provision to community groups for children and young people (4 to 18 years) in local underserved communities across England to get involved in tennis.
If there a few NECN members interested in finding out more about this programme, Revd. Natalie Andrews will set up a joint meeting with the LTA, please e-mail natalie.andrews@churchofengland.org or you can contact the LTA directly at kiran.matharu@lta.org.uk.

Community leaders (16+ years) can be trained as part of the programme to facilitate and deliver tennis sessions confidently – sessions are delivered in your own spaces available whether that be outdoor, in a Church hall, youth club or sports hall. The LTA work with local communities and organisations to take tennis into places and spaces it has not been seen or played before, and to people who may have never of picked up a racket before.
The LTA will also provide:
- Tennis equipment bag (includes rackets, mini net, cones, tennis balls etc.) for each venue
- Free fundraising service – to support sustainability of your tennis sessions for longer-term
- Access to social impact development resources (self-confidence, health and wellbeing and community cohesion)
- Additional opportunities to play and access tennis (playing and spectating)
- As part of the LTA packages, venues commit to delivering either a total of 12 weeks or 36 weeks of tennis to their groups and a commitment to complete a very short (5-10 min) survey on a quarterly basis.
These packages are available for free to support children and young people to engage in tennis. The LTA are keen to offer out their LTA SERVES Programme packages to Churches offering sports activities or holding youth clubs, they are also flexible in their approach and want to support as many children and young people to engage, as well as upskilling local community leaders (volunteers, leaders or staff etc.) to be able to confidently facilitate sessions.
Don’t forget… If you want to find out more about how your church can use sports ministry you can join us for our ‘Sport for All’ day on 20th Oct.