In September 2022, Urban Ministries are starting two different webinar courses: UMP Lite and Studying & Teaching the Bible in the Urban Context.
UMP Lite
UMP Lite is a cut down version of the full UMP course, designed to supplement ministry training people have already had (or are presently having). The goal is to help people to reach multiple classes and cultures in their ministry.
This is a 7 session course, where each month students are given a 30 minute video to watch alongside filling in workbook answers, and then meeting up for a 1hr Zoom discussion once a month.
The course dates are as follows:
Usually 19:30-20:30 on the 4th Thurs of the month, except for October which is the 3rd Thurs (to avoid half term):
22/09/22 – Multi-ethnic & multi-class church
20/10/22 – How the Gospel spreads across cultures
24/11/22 – Ethnocentrism and How cultures think
December Christmas Holiday
26/01/23 – Self-theologising
23/02/23 – Contextualising the Church
23/03/23 – Preaching to Multiple Cultures
27/04/23 – Urban Discipleship
The cost for UMP Lite is £100 but if the cost prevents you from attending please get in touch with Urban Ministries and they will see what they can do.
Studying & Teaching the Bible in the Urban Context
Studying & Teaching the Bible in the Urban Context is a new and improved version of the course that ran in 2013. Students will choose a passage of Scripture to study and teach, and receive feedback on their work throughout the course as well as through the different stages of sermon writing and delivery. Along the way, there will be particular sensitivity to the issues that arise in the urban context, as well as an emphasis on preaching to the heart. By the end of this course, students will be able to study and preach a Bible passage with minimal notes.
The course will be on Tuesday nights, and sessions will alternate weekly between one week watching a video and doing homework questions, and the next week discussing your work and the topic on Zoom, and so on. The course should take between 1-2hrs a week depending on people’s individual pace.
There are two modules, spread over 3 terms:
Term 1: Exegesis,
Tues 7:30-8:30pm 6th Sep – 20th Dec 2022 (25th Oct = Half Term)
Terms 2 & 3: Urban Preaching to the Heart,
Tues 7:30-8:30pm 10th Jan – 27th June 2023
(Holidays on 14th Feb, 4th March, 11th March, 30th May)
If you would like to sign up to the course, please contact Duncan Forbes – urbanministriesuk@gmail.com The cost is £150 per term, so £450 in total but if there is anyone who wants to do the course and genuinely cannot afford it, then please talk to Urban Ministries about this.
You can find out more at: http://www.urbanministries.org.uk/program.html where there are also several videos about the course.