Virtual Art Exhibition for St Michael's Sheerwater - National Estate Churches Network

National Estate Churches Network

Virtual Art Exhibition for St Michael’s Sheerwater

Virtual Art Exhibition

Dear friends

Most of you will probably know that the current Bishop’s Mission Order at St Michael’s, Sheerwater ends after 5 years, on 31 May 2021 and that a new BMO can only be put in place, with Gillaine as the Leader, if substantial finances are found. We are in negotiations with Woking Borough Council for a brand new community building as part of the Regeneration on Sheerwater. We’re hoping to bring MASCOT (our community charity) under our roof and create a café area, a workshop and multiple rooms in which we can continue to worship and serve the people of Sheerwater.

One of the fundraising initiatives is this virtual art exhibition from 3 friends of St Michael’s who are donating 50% of their sales directly to the church. Buying something beautiful and original from our website not only helps to continue mission and ministry in an area of high deprivation, but also supports artists in lockdown. New artists will be added each month.

Christmas is coming or maybe you just need to brighten your home now you’ve stared at the same pictures for 6 months! Either way, please take a look, share with your contacts and help us to realise our vision by securing the next phase of the BMO.

Do contact Tracey in the office, or me, if you  need any further information.

With our deepest thanks for your prayers and support.

Rev’d Gillaine Holland

St Michael’s Shared Church 

Dartmouth Avenue


GU21 5PJ

 01932 341694

The office is manned by our Administrator, Tracey Francis from 9am-2pm on  Tuesdays and Thursdays and 10am-3pm on Wednesdays.

Poster with link Nikki Becca Cam