Unlock enable local Christians to reach and engage their communities, by providing training and publishing a variety of group Bible study packs aimed at ‘non-book’ or oral learners. Their London walk is their main fundraiser for the year so if you are able to get to London to take part or donate, please do so to enable Unlock to keep providing their resources free of charge.

You can download Unlock’s study packs and find out more about the walk on their website.
Unlock are also currently advertising for a Senior Administrator to work 11 hours per week, could this be you? See details and job description.
The Unlock London walk, now in its 40th year, visits a different part of London each April. Each route, of about 7 miles, includes a variety of streets; both residential and commercial, green spaces and places of interest. Half a dozen churches along the route open to provide welcome and hospitality, as well as showcasing the work that they do in their own communities. The wheelchair accessible route is circular and maps are provided, so walkers can start anywhere on the route and go either clockwise or anti-clockwise.
In 2023 the Unlock London Walk, (which reflects on the impact of the much-delayed Elizabeth Line), takes place on Saturday April 22nd in the Thamesmead area.
Further details can be obtained from the Unlock Office Tel: 01709 380318 Email: office@unlock-urban.org.uk or on our website www.unlock-urban.org.uk/support_walk.php