Community engagement & capacity building Archives - National Estate Churches Network

National Estate Churches Network

Category: Community engagement & capacity building

  • Know Your Church, Know Your Neighbourhood

    Together Network, has a new resource, Know Your Church, Know Your Neighbourhood (KYCKYN) , find our more here.

  • Sports Ministry at St Andrew’s Church

    St Andrew’s church has a thriving sports ministry. We asked the team there for their advice to others who want to use sport to share Christ.

  • Cinnamon Network Micro-Grants

    NECN has been catching up with some news from the Cinnamon Network about their Micro-grants and new learning community, Cinnamon Connect.

  • Fundraising support for churches during COVID-19 and beyond

    During these difficult times Ecclesiastical Insurance  in collaboration with fundraising specialists, the Philanthropy Company, have put together really helpful advice and support resources to help you to fundraise for your church community. Top tips First of all there is a checklist of top tips for how to begin fundraising. A link to this page can…

  • English My Way

    English My Way is a programme designed specifically for people living in the UK, whose English language abilities are below Entry Level 1. The aim is to help adults who have very little or no English language skills to become a part of their local communities. The course can be taught through a mix of tutor-led sessions,…

  • Joe Hasler’s blog on working class culture and estates ministry

      This Friday we introduce the blog of estates priest and practitioner, Joe Halser at Joe grew up in a working class area in South London and  worked for 17 years as a community development worker and has been an Anglican priest for 25 years on estates in Birmingham, Essex, Liverpool and Bristol. His…

  • Why Resource Christian Community Action?

    In this era of living with a global pandemic Christians will be considering how to meet increased social needs in our local communities. A great resource to guide you and your church is Resourcing Christian Community Action. Although this is run by the Church of England, the questions to think about before starting a community…