Last week we were blessed with a moving and inspiring interview with Revd Pam Howell. Watch to learn about how St. John the Divine is reaching out into the community of Willenhall in Coventry – before and during COVID-19. Highlights include video interviews with families on the estate and film clips of COVID-safe community days in the church grounds during the holidays.
Food is a big need for people on the estate right now as well as the need to hear and experience God’s love. At the height of the pandemic the foodbank was providing around 28,000 warm home-cooked meals 6 days a week for around 3000 families. People turned up individually at pre-booked times. The feeding programme will continue to be funded by community grants during Easter and the summer.
St. John’s have also applied successfully for a grant from the West Midlands Police to tackle digital poverty, which Pam mentions in the interview. Click on the Community Initiative Fund to find out more and to keep an eye out for any further opportunities to apply for funding.
If you would like to contact Pam to explore some of the ways that an estate church is reaching out into the community including where they applied for community grants visit