NECN has been catching up with some news from the Cinnamon Network about their Micro-grants and new learning community, Cinnamon Connect.
The Cinnamon Network provides many ways to support churches and projects who are aiming to grow and replicate their social action, both locally, and nationally. Cinnamon’s goal is to make it as easy as possible for local churches to set up sustainable social action projects, find funding and get the right support and training to make a positive impact in their local area.
Cinnamon has still got some Micro-Grants of £2000 available in the North East, Lincolnshire and Norfolk – for any churches wanting to start a Cinnamon Recommended Project. In particular, applications are encouraged from churches working in areas of high deprivation. Please note, limited grants are available and will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis. Find out more here https://www.cinnamonnetwork.co.uk/cinnamon-micro-grants/
As we navigate out of Covid, around it, through it, whatever the future looks like, Cinnamon are keen to hear your thoughts as they carry out some research to better inform and better support to churches in the future. If you’re a community activist and would love to be part of this research please contact Jonny Gios. The research will be in the form of a 1 hour zoom call with Jonny asking a few questions and meeting other national leaders/ social action activists.
Cinnamon Connect provides resources and training, with a library of webinars and downloadable resources on everything from young people’s mental health to building partnerships you can tap into a vast pool of knowledge. It is a new learning community to put you in touch with the people, resources and knowledge to help your church change lives. There is also a new Cinnamon Connect blog featuring news, views and insights from leaders in church-based social action and a Cinnamon Connect Facebook Group where you can connect with members of the community as well as their team of advisors.
Get in touch with a Cinnamon Advisor to find out more:
- Mat Eason, The South of England
- Jonny Gios, North of England
- Michelle Savage, Micro-grants