Just Finance Foundation (part of CUF) have launched a brand new resource, the Money Help Hub, with guides for individuals and community leaders.

Just Finance Foundation have launched the Money Help Hub: an accessible resource to explore financial pressures and issues that communities are currently facing due to the cost-of-living crisis. It contains short guides offering practical ideas for cutting costs, keeping track of spending and looking after wellbeing. For those who feel that their situation has gone beyond that and are struggling to handle things alone, there is a range of signposting to further professional support.

Alongside the resources for individuals, there is a community leaders section. Here you will find; a Money Talks Guide, that looks at spotting the signs that someone might be struggling financially, along with some simple conversation starters to begin to open up a dialogue; and a Toolkit, designed to enable community leaders to build their own course around the Money Help Hub guides, with flexible session formats that can be adapted for different purposes.
Visit the Money Help Hub at: www.justfinancefoundation.org.uk/money-help-hub-home