Mark Rowley from CAP has written with details of the Life Skills course and an offer for NECN members to help with the cost of running the course in your church.

When it comes to saving money and making savvy financial choices, we can always pick up a useful tip from the person next to us. Yet dealing with constant financial pressure can produce unmanageable stress and a real sense of isolation.
That’s why Christians Against Poverty (CAP) designed Life Skills, a group course that nurtures and grows people’s confidence, whilst further equipping their decision making, to help them gain more independence when living life on a tight budget.
“I learned about budgeting and changed my habits and, because I’m spending differently now, I save so much money. Last year I was actually able to go on holiday with my kids.” Jenny, Life Skills member.
Supporting people to live well on a tight budget is at the heart of CAP’s Life Skills service. As many people are having to stretch their finances more than ever, we believe that the local church has a vital role to play.
Life Skills is designed to be delivered by local churches, so naturally focuses on community, friendships and creating a sense of belonging for people connecting with your church. The collaborative approach to learning involves inviting participants to share, initiate and lead on the content, growing their confidence and providing a fun and relaxed environment to come together with others facing similar situations and support one another through these challenges.
Read Daniel’s experience of joining his local Life Skills group.
We know that finances can be tight for churches just as much as individuals, especially for those in more deprived areas. As churches connected to NECN, we are offering you a 50% discount on the cost of running Life Skills. Discover more and book a conversation with your local Church Partnership Manager by emailing .