CURBS Fundraising Campaign during COVID-19
CURBS is a small charity set up to resource and train children’s workers on outer estates and inner city areas. Like many other charities CURBS have taken a financial hit from COVID-19. They are facing a shortfall of around £8,000 for the year. Could you support their 100@5 campaign? They are asking for 100 members…
Messy Church’s Response to COVID-19
Messy Churches are being as creative as ever during these strange times. Ideas range from on-line craft sessions on Zoom and Facebook Live to creating Messy Church in a Bag for families to collect and take home. More information and guidance can be found on https://www.messychurch.org.uk/covid-19 Messy Church through the Bible Reading Fellowship have …
Dollar Store Children’s Sermons
Are you looking for inspiration for children’s sermons or an all-age service? Pastor John Stevens from Zion Lutheran Church, Oregon has some great ideas on hos blog Dollar Store Children Sermons . Each week Pastor John shares a video clip of his ideas around the Sunday readings. Sometimes he has a fully developed story…
Diddy Disciples – the Church at Home
Diddy Disciples has produced some more lovely resources to help babies, toddlers and young children worship God during Lockdown. To check these out visit https://www.diddydisciples.org/ and have a look at the Church at Home page. Resources include prayers, podcasts and ideas for creating your own worship at home.
Sermons 4 Kids
Do you need some new ideas for children’s sermons and reflections? Sermon 4 Kids make loads of great activities, lessons, colouring pages, games and crafts which are free to download. Each week https://sermons4kids.com/ features a different Bible story with video recordings so do check it out!
Roots Resources
Many children’s and youth leaders use Roots resources to help them to get to know the Bible. There are also some free resources in response to COVID-19. To download these visit https://www.rootsontheweb.com/discover-roots/what-are-roots-resources
Worship, Reflection & Prayer Resources
Below you will find a number of liturgies and prayers to use for children and families on estates. House Blessing Liturgy Debbie Collins from Holy Cross, Billesley has created this lovely liturgy for a house blessing. Please visit https://pilgrimpace.wordpress.com/2018/06/18/house-blessing-liturgy/ Or, you can download a PDF file from the link below: house-blessing2 Postcards –…
Kick Start Campaign – Christians Against Poverty
Kick Start is the response from Christians Against Poverty to the needs we know will exist in communities all over the UK as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It is designed to equip local churches to easily help people get their lives moving along following the impact of the crisis. Covering areas…
In Conversation with Pioneers
The National Anglican Community of Pioneers are hosting 2 events in July to support those engaged in mission and ministry to think through what this might look like in their context beyond lockdown. It will offer opportunity to discuss how to navigate this journey as much as exploring possible destinations. These are repeat sessions and…
Give a Box of Hope
You may have already heard of the difference that TLG ‘Boxes of Hope’ are making across the UK – over 30,000 meals already provided to families struggling to eat at this time. Within the chaos of the corona virus, God continues to call local churches to support their community and spread His hope. These care…
Chelmsford Diocese Estate Churches Network Email Conference 2020
The Chelmsford Diocese NECN Group had planned a physical conference for 25th March 2020. However, when COVID-19 struck this wasn’t possible. Instead they decided to have an email conference. Written presentations were circulated by email around 40 lay workers and clergy in estate parishes in the Chelmsford Diocese. The overall theme was “Growing the Estate…
Getting Creative with Good News
Brunswick Parish Church in Manchester have been sharing how they have been creative in keeping the church community going. One way they have been reaching is by the Cake Fairies delivering cakes to elderly or vulnerable people. You can read more about this story on this link https://www.brunswickchurch.org.uk/news–events/the-cake-fairies-have-been-at-it-again ‘Altogether Church’ services are running via Zoom…