Christians Against Poverty launch resources page in response to COVID-19
Christians Against Poverty is a charity which equips churches to help people come out of poverty. They have gathered a number of resources to help churches resource our communities as the impact of COVID-19 begins to be felt with rising levels of poverty. This includes Information on Government and industry support Signposting to organisations providing…
Bible Society Free Resources
If you are using August to plan discipleship courses for September in your church or community, the uncertainty of COVID-19 certainly makes things more complicated! Don’t panic, there are all sorts of free learning resources out there and help is at hand. The Bible Society distributes free Bibles all over the world and provides lots…
Free Global Caring Films available to Live in Harmony with God’s Creation
Care for the environment may have slipped a little below the media radar during the pandemic but this does not mean that climate change has been reversed or gone away. Despite the fact that travel has been greatly reduced at this time, summer temperatures in parts of the northern hemisphere have reached record highs this…
Hope Together -Talking Jesus course
During COVID-19 the Talking Jesus course created by Hope Together will be free until the end of August 2020. This is a practical 6 session course which can now be shared with groups online about how to tell others about Jesus. Simply click here and follow the instructions to register your group to the free…
Urban Ministry support from New Wine
New Wine is a network of different Christian denominations which empowers and equips Christian leaders to spread the good news of God’s Kingdom. Learning materials can be adapted to suit local situations. During the pandemic Christians from the network have kept in touch with each other and have shared inspiring stories of how they have…
Introducing Greg Smith Urban Mission & Community Research Consultant
This week we introduce Greg Smith, who lived and worked for churches in the London Borough of Newham for 27 years. Greg has recently retired but has generously listed links to his many works and writings on urban mission and 21st century evangelism. For anyone who would like to reflect more deeply on where God…
Faith Pictures – a fresh way to talk about things that matter
If you are looking for a gentle, humorous and light-hearted course to run with a small church group we think you will like Faith Pictures. This 6 week has been designed by the Church Army. You can find out more about it on https://www.churcharmy.org/Groups/266913/Church_Army/ms/Faith_Pictures/Faith_Pictures.aspx The idea of the course is to help Christians talk to…
Holiday Hunger August 2020
The Methodist Children, Youth and Family Team recently partnered with Joint Public Issues Team and Transforming Lives for Good for a Holiday Hunger Focus Week. JPIT’s Paul Morrison wrote the following blog to support it: www.jointpublicissues.org.uk/?s=holiday+hunger The Trussell Trust has seen an 89% increase in the use of food banks since April 2019. This figure…
Residential Conferences return for Leading your Church into Growth
Government guidelines and restrictions remain firmly in place whilst COVID-19 is with us for our safety. As restrictions ease the organisers of Leading your Church onto Growth look forward to being able to offer residential conferences again in October and November. Conferences will be hosted by the Christian Conference Trust (CCT) who will ensure that…
Resources by NECN Founder, Laurie Green
A very handy resource for any estate church leader or practitioner is Laurie Green’s blog on how to do theology. The website is lauriegreen.org. This way of reflecting theologically on situations starts not with books but with actual experience. It is called the Pastoral Cycle. Below is his diagram outlining the process. Laurie gives a…
‘This estate we’re in’ by Al Barrett
From time to time it is good to stimulate ideas and our own theological reflections on living and working as communities on estates and urban areas. This is especially important at the moment when face-to-face meetings are limited due to COVID-19. In this section of our blog we hope to signpost you to other excellent…
Jesus Shaped People
Jesus Shaped People is a programme to develop the discipleship of small, estate churches and communities from social housing and inner estates. Sample resources can be downloaded from https://www.jesusshapedpeople.net/ Jesus Shaped People have been producing resources for churches now living with the fall-out from COVID-19. A link a video clip explaining more can be found…