National Estate Churches Network

Introducing Greg Smith Urban Mission & Community Research Consultant

Greg Smith

This week we introduce Greg Smith, who lived and worked for churches in the London Borough of Newham for 27 years.

Greg has recently retired but has generously listed links to his many works and writings on urban mission and 21st century evangelism.

For anyone who would like to reflect more deeply on where God is at work on the estates or how understanding Christian doctrine can be relevant to the lives of working class people in a multi-cultural society, these writings are an excellent resource. You can explore more by clicking here.

Greg’s works are also very useful for anyone training for any form of church ministry who feels especially called to work on the estates or an inner-city context.

For example, a very readable paper entitled ‘Biblical Bases of Socio-Political Action, explains how Christian involvement in social and political issues are linked to key beliefs about God, Creation, the Fall, God’s justice in the Old Testament, the Kingdom of God, Jesus, Salvation and Christian living. Greg writes from an evangelical perspective and as a practitioner who has lived and worked among Christians from different churches and people from other faiths and with no faith.

” …it is out of the experience of mission,
and the awareness that such evils as poverty, racism, unemployment and bad housing
are barriers to the Gospel…”

Greg Smith

We hope that you enjoy exploring the fruits of Greg’s theological research and reflection among the treasure of God’s Kingdom, the people of the urban estates. Much of what  he has written is still highly relevant to today, particularly in the light of increasing poverty during the pandemic and to bring an end to racism highlighted by the Black Lives Matter movement.

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